If you are planning to travel to/from France today on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, you may experience disruptions from 8am-4pm (UK time) as French customs is currently updating its main IT server.
Please be aware of the following:
- Affected systems include Delta-G (declarations) and Delta-T (Transit), ICS (ENS) Although SI Brexit might operate, its efficiency will be reduced due to system interdependencies.
- Drivers should carry hardcopy paper TADs for inspection. These will be photographed by French officials for later system updates.
- For manual transit movements from France, traders must use 'SAD declaration' and input the manual reference. These will be directed to Border Force for document checks.
- Pre-lodged declarations are challenging to manage. Use paper fallback procedures, especially from 8am (UK time) on the 8th.
- Additional customs officers will be present, and more truck parking has been arranged in areas like Calais to ease the process.
- Exports from France to the UK will proceed as usual.
At Calais Port:
- Empty trucks go to the green lane.
- Trucks with goods and all transit movements are directed to the orange lane for manual checks.
All French ports will be impacted. Please follow the customs authorities instructions at the port.
The planned downtime (currently expected to take effect between 8am and 4pm today) will also impact ENS (entry summary declarations).
We will keep you updated as we know more.