Importing goods from EU to GB
Although GVMS does not cover all goods movements until July 2021, we ask you to note the message below when importing goods from EU into GB now:
Before goods are imported, it is important that the importer and haulier/person responsible for moving the goods have clarified whether the goods will be declared using delayed declarations or using existing customs processes to complete a full (or, if authorised, simplified) customs at the point of entry so that the correct procedures are followed.
Incorrect use of EAD in Goods Movement Requests
HM Revenue and Customs is seeing increased instances where Export Accompanying Document (EAD) Movement Reference Numbers (MRN’s) are being incorrectly entered in the Transit MRN field in Goods Movement References (GMR). This is occurring both on EU to GB routes and between NI and GB.
When moving goods from the EU into GB, or from NI into GB, you currently only need to create a GMR if you are moving goods under the Common Transit Convention and have a Transit Accompanying Document. In this case you only need to enter your TAD MRNs into a GMR.
When moving goods from GB into NI you are always required to provide a GMR. This GMR may include import or transit declarations. You should only select that you are a Transit movement in GVMS if you are moving goods under the Common Transit Convention and have a Transit Accompanying Document. If you are moving goods under the CTC you only need to enter your TAD MRNs into your GMR.
You do not need to provide an EU Export Accompanying Document reference to GVMS. If you are exporting from the Republic of Ireland, but moving via an NI port, you must provide HMRC with the master reference number of your export declaration that covers your goods, which should be submitted alongside evidence of your departure. Information on how you can do this is available at:….
More information on when to submit an export declaration for NI-GB movements is available at…. HMRC will publish further guidance when NI or GB export declarations are required to be added to your GMR, for NI-GB or GB-EU routes
Line of Sight between HQ and Drivers
A reminder to all hauliers of the necessity for a clear line of sight between your Headquarters (HQ) and drivers to ensure that cleared/held messages from GVMS are passed to the person in control of the goods and that they attend for checks where GVMS indicates they are required to do so. Failure to report for inspections means that customs control requirements have not been met.
We referred to haulier responsibilities and the need for this line of sight in our recent GVMS Haulier Webinars. These can be accessed via: the following links :
• EU>GB Haulier Webinar 1 – available on YouTube Link here
• GB>NI GVMS Haulier webinar 1- available on YouTube Link here
• GVMS Haulier Webinar 2 -available on YouTube Link hereHMRC are working to improve the medium for sharing information to hauliers/drivers and will provide more information in future. However for now please ensure you are familiar with your responsibilities for the sharing of held/cleared messages and ensuring the person in control of the goods attends for checks where required.
Stena Line Freight